Eric confessed to me the first night they were here that he had never been to the beach before. He has led such a sheltered life. Our first priority, therefore, was to broaden his horizons by taking him to the Santa Monica Pier, which has a carnival and - more importantly - the beach.
Then it was time for the beach. You already know our feelings about the beach (see earlier posts about how great A thinks the beach is), so we hoped to spread such joy to Eric.
A led the way to the water, with R, Em, and Eric right behind her. Here's Eric's first ever wave from the ocean:
Very exciting! Well, even A knew that wasn't exciting enough for Eric, so she insisted on going deeper into the ocean. Eric followed, daring Em to come along. Em can't resist a dare, so she went out even deeper. Then Eric noticed something that Em did not. To capture the full impact of what happened next, please note that neither Eric nor Em are wearing swimsuits.
Eric's first day at the beach (doesn't that sound like a children's book?) was a great success. They were all soaked, I got to rest in the sand without having to worry about watching any kids, and we all came away with a nice sunburn (except A, who just tanned nicely).
I don't know what the highlight of the trip for Em and Eric was, but A's highlight was story time with Uncle Eric.
She now insists that I read the book to her just like Eric did, and if I don't read it right, we have to go back and start over again. Thanks, Uncle Eric!
We are so glad that Em and Eric could take a couple of days to stay with us. We loved having them with us. When are you going to visit us?
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