I took a break from blogging during the summer. However, now that school is in, I guess it's time to complete that "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" essay. Here's our summer:
As is mandated by state law, we spent quite a bit of time at the beach, digging and building sandcastles.
We learned some new skills. A2 first learned to pull himself up in his crib...
...then learned to cruise along the furniture and walls to get wherever he wants to be. His favorite places? Wherever Mommy happens to be, including the bathroom and the kitchen.
A1 learned to swim (while wearing arm floaties). A2 learned that it is funny to throw himself into the pool and scare Mommy to death (which he then attempted to repeat three or four times and got really mad when I wouldn't let him).
And, of course, we visited family in Utah. As I was attempting to pack everything for our trip, A1 really wanted to help. So I told her to choose which clothes she wanted to pack with us and to put them in a pile to put in a suitcase. I came out of the bedroom 5 minutes later to find this:
She had taken every piece of clothing she owns and put it in the pile. Notice that she included her stuffed cat (for herself) and a plastic horse (for A2). I think we need to have a lesson in "packing light." While I packed some clothes for her and put the rest away, she decided that A2 needed help packing as well. I found all of his clothes in a pile in that same spot. I was too exasperated at that point to take a picture of his pile.
We had a fun trip, which included painting with Aunt Emily and Uncle Eric...
...and a trip to the zoo with Cousin Carmen.
We had a great time. Thanks to everyone for all the memories we made this summer.
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