As per tradition, I took the kids camping with the rest of my family for Easter (R was on call that weekend as usual). This year was a ton of fun because both kids were old enough to enjoy the wonders of camping. (I'm sorry for the really long post, but I just had to document all the fun.)
First A1 and her cousin Carmen rode bikes around and around and around ...
... and even A2 decided he needed to get in on the action.
Camping in Zion National Park allowed us to go on quite a few hikes. Our favorite is Emerald Pools. We hiked ...
... and rested ...
... and saw some wonderful sights! A1 has to do everything that Grandpa does, so she rested every time he did. We celebrated our hike with Smores. I think A1 likes it, don't you?
Then we went back to the campground to prepare for the huge egg hunt. A1 chose her favorite color (pink, of course) to die her eggs ...
... while A2 was just amazed that eggs could turn different colors.
Because the kids were so good, the Easter Bunny took the eggs away to hide them. The kids waited patiently while Grandpa looked for the place where the Easter Bunny left the eggs and candy.
Finally Grandpa found the spot and the kids went wild finding the eggs and candy. A1 was able to find the well-hidden eggs ....
... while A2 got a little help from Grandpa.
We found all the eggs and celebrated by eating our chocolate.
We absolutely love camping with our family. We look forward to the time when R can join us for all the fun!