For the past couple of years, we have been the proud owners of annual passes to Disneyland. The kids love going and it's a great reward for when they have been especially obedient. However, our passes expired at the beginning of February and we will not be renewing as we won't be living here much longer. So I present to you our last trip to Disneyland as residents of Southern California:
We went very early in the morning and hit every single ride the kids are big enough for. A1's favorites are Space Mountain and Big Thunder Railroad.
R took her on Tower of Terror for the first time, but only because she begged so that she could say that she had been on all the rides. R hates that ride because he is afraid of heights, but he screwed his courage to the sticking place and took her. He had to carry her off the ride because her legs were shaking so badly from adrenaline that she couldn't walk. Her thoughts on the ride: "That was fun! But I don't ever want to do it again!"
A2's favorite rides are the Carousel and Buzz
Lightyear's AstroBlasters and Winnie the Pooh (there was one day where we rode the Winnie the Pooh ride at least five times). He says that he doesn't like the roller coasters (which I'm sure will change when he gets older), but he always smiled and asked to go again when he got off the ride.
This last time, I was too pregnant to go on any of the roller coasters, so R had to do double duty. When it came to the last roller coaster of the day, A2 had just about had it and A1 was not to be put off a minute longer. So R went with A2 and A1 got to go by herself! She was so proud that she was big enough to do so.
To end the perfect day at Disneyland and to remember all the great times we had, we decided to go to one of the hat shops and try on all the hats. Here are a couple of my favorite shots:
The Indiana Jones Family:
The Sorcerer's New Apprentice:
Maybe with ears this big and beautiful, she won't say she can't hear me anymore:
Thank you, Disney, for being part of our lives. We had so much fun the past couple of years. Hopefully we'll return for a short visit in the future.