Grandpa Jensen has an amazing vegetable garden in his backyard. I really had no idea how much work he put into it until last month. We volunteered to help him get the garden ready for planting while we were visiting one day. R helped him rebuild a few of his garden boxes (he does square-foot gardening) while Dallen picked up a ton (literally) of compost in the back of his truck. When the kids saw the giant pile of "dirt," they had to join the fun.
They started to help move the compost from the truck to a wheelbarrow...
...but the moving soon devolved into just digging around...
...which then devolved into burying themselves.
After an hour of goofing off with the compost, Grandpa and R were done rebuilding the boxes, so the actual moving of compost could begin again.
I don't know what it is about dirt that gives kids such joy, but I must say that the mess is occasionally worth it! Thanks for letting us help with gardening, Grandpa.