Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jensen Joy

We love visiting our family so much.  We have most of our vacation time scheduled out so we can enjoy visiting as much as possible.  But there are times when it is nice to just sit back and relax.  The Jensens make relaxing a lot of fun.

Dallen taught A2 how to sword fight, Final Fantasy-style.  It looked like a battle between David and Goliath, but I believe the Goliath won this time!

The kids really enjoyed climbing the big tree in the backyard.  And my new camera took some great shots - do those look professional to you too?
And Grandma found her cotton candy machine, which may have been the highlight of the whole trip.  I can't believe how much sugar these two can pack in their tiny bodies - or how messy they can get doing it.
We love hanging out with you guys and can't wait to do so more this summer!

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