Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Cabin 2012

The title of this post sounds like a horror movie, doesn't it?

According to family tradition, the end of January/beginning of February means the Blackburn family snowmobiling trip. I wasn't able to go snowmobiling (pregnancy has a tendency to ruin the best snowmobiling trips), so I spent the time relaxing and playing games. My dad made sure that those of us not snowmobiling had plenty to keep us entertained - we had three full boxes of food and five full boxes of games (only in my family would you have more games than food on vacation).

Of course, snowmobiling gets top billing. A1, as usual, went with Grandpa (look, even their winter coats match each other!)......while A2 went with R.Surprisingly this year A2 LOVED snowmobiling (he cried as soon as we started moving last year). He wanted to go faster and faster around the parking lot.

When the big people decided that it was time to hit the trails, the kids were more than happy to join me inside the cabin to read (just like me)......and to color and build a castle. I love this castle - it kept the kids occupied for the entire three days we were there. They're nowhere near finished with it, so they can still color it every time we go to visit Grandma and Grandpa!When they were tired of being inside, Uncle Casey was kind enough to take the kids out sledding. I think this was the highlight of the trip - they loved the feeling of flying down the hill and then Casey dragging them back up the hill (quite the workout for him - probably not the highlight of the trip for him).

I love this trip! Every year it gets better and better. I can't wait to go back again next year!

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