Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Earthquake support
Then I turned on the TV and noticed all the stations were running "special reports" on the quake, saying that we haven't had anything this big since 1994, etc. The Governator even had a long press conference saying he didn't remember anything as big since the 1970s. So I guess the earthquake was a big deal, but the epicenter was far enough away from us (in San Bernadino) that we only felt little rumbles.
All this to assure everyone that we are doing okay and that we didn't even get a DVD knocked off the shelf. I can only hope that those at the epicenter in Chino City were as lucky.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Church Callings and the Governator
On another, almost completely opposite, note, we went to a BBQ with some of the other anesthesiology residents. It seems that one of the residents is from here, and his parents have quite a bit of money. We went to their house, situated up a small canyon overlooking LA. The food was great and the view was breathtaking! As part of the "tour," they pointed to a really large house just across the way: "That's Arnold Schwarzenegger's house." Yep, we had dinner with the Governator's neighbors.
Texting Fool

I believe she is trying to text Grandma to tell her to take her to the beach. Did you get that text, Grandma?
My New Favorite Appliance

If you have a great recipe or idea for my new favorite appliance, please share it! I am looking forward to really experimenting.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Name Help!
1. We are having a boy.
2. We already named our daughter Alexea, so this one can't be named Alexander.
3. We would like his middle name to be Clayne, so the first name should sound good with that.
4. Our last name is Jensen, so we can't name him Benson (this is really a reminder for me more than you).
Please help us!
July 4th and Name Change

We also have changed the name of our blog due to some philosophical inspiration from none other than A: The other day A found a ball to play with at the playground. At one point it rolled into one of the landscaped areas that has a little step down from the regular playground. A went after the ball, falling on her face after taking the unexpected step down. Instead of crying and asking to be picked up, however, she walked back over to the step and made her way back up, then down, then up, then down, at first crawling, then walking, then jumping. She worked on that step for a good 15 minutes (which is a very long time for a 19-month-old; I was even starting to get bored watching her) until she had finally mastered the step. She then picked up the ball and worked on walking and jumping up and down that step while holding the ball, just to make sure that she had truly mastered it. Once she had figured out that she could do it on her own, she took great pleasure in carrying the ball up and down that step, making sure that I was watching her show off her new talent.
This really inspired me (I get inspired easily, I guess) about what we are all doing in our lives. Do we sometimes fall flat on our faces when we try something new or have something unexpected thrown in our paths? Do we then cry and ask to be picked up? Or do we stop what we had previously planned to simply overcome and master the added little step? I am guilty of crying and asking to be picked up much more often than I would like to admit. I want to be more like A was that day; I want to master the obstacles in my way, then take great pleasure in having stretched my limits.
What have you done recently to stretch your limits, instead of crying and asking to be picked up?