Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquake support

We had our first earthquake here today. I was outside with A at the playground and R had just left for work. Of the other moms I was with at the time, only some of us felt the rocking, which tells you exactly how big the quake was (tiny). When we came back inside, nothing was out of place - not even the DVDs in our notoriously unsteady DVD rack.

Then I turned on the TV and noticed all the stations were running "special reports" on the quake, saying that we haven't had anything this big since 1994, etc. The Governator even had a long press conference saying he didn't remember anything as big since the 1970s. So I guess the earthquake was a big deal, but the epicenter was far enough away from us (in San Bernadino) that we only felt little rumbles.

All this to assure everyone that we are doing okay and that we didn't even get a DVD knocked off the shelf. I can only hope that those at the epicenter in Chino City were as lucky.


Dawn said...

Glad to hear that you guys are okay. Hopefully you won't experience any greater than that!

Alisha said...

Glad you guys are okay. Love that you call Arnold "the Governator" every time :)