Saturday, September 18, 2010


I've told you about the fun our kids have at the Natural History Museum. It seems that last time we were there, we didn't quite get the full experience. The museum has a man-sized puppet of a T-Rex, which they use in an "integument presentation" (showing what dinosaur skin looks like). Our good friends, the Floods, took us to see this amazing show. A1 stepped on several people to get away from the T-Rex and into my arms. A2, who was already in my arms, simply hid. And I was awed by how life-like it all felt.Thank you to the Floods for great company to a great museum and a great show. We love going on field trips with you.


Jenna said...

We love going with you too. That was a fun day!

jenny.hawkes said...

Your little ones are growing up so quickly! (I guess they all do). A1 looks just like you!