Sunday, October 16, 2011

A2's Culinary Skills

One Saturday evening R and I were both too busy to make dinner. A2 told us multiple times that he was hungry, but we kept stalling him, telling him we'd be right there and just to hang on. Finally A2 gave up on us. He set the table for the four of us, including cups with water and napkins. Then he pulled out the cottage cheese, served each of us a heaping spoonful, and put away the extra. Then he blessed the food, called us all dinner, and sat down to eat without us. After he finished his food, he cleared his place and told us once again that we needed to eat. Needless to say, we sat down and ate the dinner that he prepared for us.

1 comment:

jenny.hawkes said...

Love this! Those growing boys need nourishment! =)