Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hair Style #1

As promised, I have been testing my creative palette on A1's hair and have finally taken pictures of the results. I started by creating a little "crown" of hair all the way around the top of her head (which I forgot to take pictures of!), but I branched out into two little "crowns," one on each side. I combined the dangling ends in to a crown clip to complete the look.

from the front

from the back (kind of)

from the side

A couple days later, I did this style again (with more rounded crowns), but I didn't combine the dangling ends. Rather I put barrettes on each one, which made it look more elegant in my opinion. Unfortunately, A1 was not in a picture taking mood that day, so I can't show you what it looked like. Believe me, it was cute.

1 comment:

jenny.hawkes said...

I love, love, love the hairstyles you've posted. How do you get her to sit still long enough to do her hair. Abby will only let me put a "pony" in her hair if she asks for one, and even then she wiggles. What's your trick?