Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hair Style #3

This is my favorite for really hot days. Sweet A1 has strange hair: it's long enough to look great as a ponytail, but the under-hairs (those closest to her neck) are too short to stay up. So this just started as a way to keep those small hairs up in the ponytail.

I pulled all the small hairs into flippies all the way around her head (for 10 small flippies), then combined every two of those into bigger flippies (for 5 medium flippies), then combined all those into a ponytail. I have left it as a ponytail (see Hair Style #8), but in this case I pulled it into a messy bun (which is hard to do with A1's VERY thin hair).

from the front

from the side

from the back

I did the same thing when she wanted to be a ballerina, except I pulled the ponytail into a tight bun and added a bow:

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