Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Perfect Day

We recently spent a couple weeks in Utah with our families. It was a great vacation - the amount of fun we have is in direct correlation to the amount of weight I gain, and I gained a lot of weight!

We decided to spend one day communing with nature near Smith and Morehouse - a favorite camping area. A1 and A2 loved spending time with the grandparents and learning something new. And I loved being named "King for the Day" - I caught the first fish, the largest fish, and the most fish (a Triple Crown Clean Sweep in fishing); I only need to do that another couple hundred times to unseat the True Fishing Champion, Grandpa Jensen.

R and A1 showing off the last fish of the trip

We love fishing!

Don't worry - A1 made sure that we didn't hurt any of the fish and insisted that we throw them all back.


jenny.hawkes said...

My goodness, A1 is cute!!

jenny.hawkes said...

My goodness, A1 is cute!!